Wednesday, May 7, 2008

What do you fear ?

There are plethora of things which people fear of. These are called as phobias. On top of the list is 'fear of death' which is also known as 'necrophobia'. Second in the list , apparently ,is 'fear of failure' which is known as 'kakorrhaphiophobia'.(very difficult to pronounce i know but thats the way it is.) .Actually , all the fears and superstitions have not come directly from the sky.Actually , there is a story associated with every fear and superstition for instance ,fear of number 13.The fear of Friday the 13th is called paraskavedekatriaphobia.(My god!! how they come up to such kind of toungue twister words which are so difficult to pronounce).

The Number 13
It is believed that the fear for the number 13 stems from primitive man being unable to count past 12. Numbers beyond 12 do now have an individual and independent name but are a combination of the first 12 numbers. With 12 being the end of the line, 13 was moving into unknown territory. In Norse mythology the 13th number led to the death of Baldur, the beloved of the gods. When the 12 gods gathered for a banquet in Valhalla, Loki gatecrashed the party, increasing the number to 13, which led to the death of Baldur. It also happens that in Tarot cards, 13 is called "Death."
The Baker's Dozen
The "unlucky 13" is the reason why the thirteen loaves that bakers once supplied were never called by the number, but described as "a baker's dozen." The thirteenth loaf was regarded as a special bribe for the devil not to spoil the sale or the bread.
List of very intersting phobias : (I mean how can people have fear of the things that are mentioned below)
  • Fear of Bathing - bathophobia.(Don't go anywhere near this person).
  • Fear of clothes - vestiophobia.(Wow!!).
  • Fear of Everthing - panophobia.(I want to meet this person).
  • Fear of English - Anglophobia(I am the feelings very the sorry about this peoples).
  • Fear of Fear - phobophobia (Howzthat now!! Fear of Fear).
  • Fear of Good News - euphobia (Its a bad news for such people).
  • Fear of Heaven - uranophobia (Go to Hell !!!).
  • Fear of kissing - philemaphobia (Don't you ever marry this person).
  • Fear of mother-in-law - pentheraphobia (Its a universal phobia).
  • Fear of telephones - telephonophobia.(Hello!! Its a wrong number).

- I hope you don't have a fear of reading my articles. Otherwise it would be called as 'panksarticlophobia'.

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